March 9, 2019

Joke's on Me..

HA! When will I learn? I teach high school, and I always seem to teach something new each year, so my actual days during the school year are always insane and exhausting. All I do when I come home is watch TV/Netflix (lately, it's been some combo of HGTV, Jeopardy, and all the things in the Marvel Universe). On my weekends, I do all the things on my to-do list + school stuff (lesson plans, materials, grade essays, cry). CLEARLY, I don't remind myself to also post stuff about what I'm doing with those projects. Do better, Alia!

Anyway, let's look back at that "Summer" to-do list (biggest joke ever to limit myself to one season).

This "almost spring" season always feels like a refresh for me, so I've had lots of plans running around in my mind. Maybe I'll carve out some time on either Saturday or Sunday to try and corral all of those ideas into this space on the internet, because I'll liable to forget some of the things I had in mind! Plus, spring break is in two weeks, so I'll definitely be crossing some more things off of that list by then.

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